
Paid Search engines

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Did you know that you can get paid for using search engines? well now you do.

                                    money with Scour!

First you can get paid each time you use the search box. free to sign up. to make things easier you can install their search box into your brousers search box.. they also have a toolbar that they incourage you to download during the sign up prosess in order to get bonus points, I personally downloaded the toolbar to get the points but I decided not to install it, Instead after sign up was complete I got just the search box from the top right hand side of the homepage. then decided to just put toolbar in recycle bin without installing...(I don't need a toolbar) but that is up to you..they pay in points that you exchange for $25 $50 or $100 prepayed credit card. Earn for searches, comments, ratings, exe. plus you get all 3 major search results, msn,yahoo and google all in one search.




make momey on everything
