
I have a dream

I have a dream
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my dream page
Hello and thank you for stopping by. I have a dream that I believe can happen with the help of others. I see a big worldwide problem that seems to be going unaddressed. It is the worlds problem, and its hunger. to many children are starving daily. not just 3rd world country's, It is a problem here in the USA, and there is no excuse for this. So I am asking everyone on the planet to help me change this. on this page I will show you ways I find to solve the problem. I cant do this on my own, but with the lords help and you on my team I believe we can feed the world. ("TEAM" Together Everyone Achieves More)

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This is very fun way to feed the hungry, play a vocabulary game and each correct answer gives 10 grains of rice to the hungry
WARNING: This game may make you smarter. It may improve your speaking, writing, thinking, grades, job performance... (more)
Help end world hunger
If you go to the hunger site and click the button, their sponsors donate 1.1 cups of food. you can do this once everyday.
The Hunger Site

The Hunger Site

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